Pamlico Amateur Radio Club

Note: The VEC testing policy of "Walk-ins Allowed" has changed to "Testing by Appointment Only". For more information contact Tom Kottke, WT4TK, (252) 402-8950 or e-mail or Al Mullis, K4GOE, (252) 495-1349, or e-mail .

Pamlico Amateur Radio Club, K4BCH

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    The Pamlico Amateur Radio Club organization (PARC) of Eastern North Carolina is an active group of "Ham" radio operators, primarily living in or around Beaufort County, NC. Club membership is open to any amateur radio operator and/or family member, as well as to interested non-Hams.
    Since its beginnings in 1991, Club members have provided essential emergency communication services to Beaufort and surrounding counties, through actual disaster communications support, disaster shelter support, as well as practice search and rescue support exercises (SARX) organized by Beaufort County Emergency Services personnel.
    In addition, the Club provides non-emergency communications assistance to other community organizations such as long-distance runs, kayak races, and fund-raising events as requested. Annual Field Day in June and the annual Christmas Party/meeting, amongst others, offer great opportunities to socialize, meet members and guests, as well as learn about the hobby.
    PARC is a 501c3 non-profit organization legally formed under the laws of North Carolina. The Club meets at 7pm on the SECOND Thursday of each month at the Zion Episcopal Church, 7302 US 264, Washington, NC. We also have the Club Net monthly on the FIRST Thursday at 8pm.
    These monthly Nets offer practice for those who check-in for message-handling procedures in the event of actual emergencies; the formal portion of Net lasts about 20 minutes, followed by informal comments from Net check-ins. The Net VHF frequency is 146.955 MHz, minus 600 offset, PL tone 131.8 operated through the Bath, NC repeater. A new club repeater is available at 147.255 MHz, plus 600 offset, PL tone 131.8. These repeaters are used daily by many of our local Hams and are monitored regularly by some of the PARC Members.
    More information about the Pamlico Amateur Radio Club is located on other internal pages/folders of this Website. Please feel free to contact any Officer for more information. Please come join us at a Club Meeting on the 2nd Thursday @7pm.